Benefits of utilizing electrical CAD

Plenty of technologies today such as electrical wiring harnesses are designed through electric CAD or e-CAD. The software may seem like a modern method to draft schematics but CAD has actually been around for quite some time.

CAD is an acronym for “computer-aided design” and was first utilized in the 1950s by Douglas Ross who worked on projects that pioneered the technology. Iven Sutherland, however, developed the first true CAD software popularly known as Sketchpad.

It was considered a more interactive way to make illustrations because a pen was utilized to make digital drawings on the computer. Today, CAD has proven to be one of the most versatile tools when it comes to drafting and creating designs in many industries.

Industries utilizing CAD Technology

Most people may be familiar with the fact that CAD software is often used in engineering and architecture. But the flexibility of the software also provides many other industries a more convenient way to illustrate or draft schematics.

1) Aerospace Engineering

Developing and engineering an aircraft or spacecraft is now more convenient with the use of CAD technology. This type of engineering usually involves a tremendous amount of money which is why accuracy and precision are essential. The 2D and 3D drafting capabilities that CAD can offer a more in-depth and intricate designing process for aerospace engineers.  

2) Dentistry

It may come as a shock to some people that dentistry is one of the most common industries also utilizing CAD technology. In recent years, many procedures in dentistry have been done with the aid of CAD software. Back then, the process of fitting and creating dental structures took a few days and was usually done in a separate facility. Nowadays, CAD technology and 3D printing have allowed for a more convenient method in producing dental prosthetics wherein patients can simply fit the output within the same day and facility. 

3) Forensic Investigations

The visual capabilities of CAD can assist in numerous Forensic procedures from post-mortem identifications, crime scene analysis to determining causes of injuries. The 3D technology of CAD can allow investigators to analyze a digitally duplicated crime scene where observations can be made without needing to constantly survey the area itself. CAD can also help in terms of identifying injuries such as bone fragments and comparing dental records.

4) Architecture and Interior Design

When it comes to internally and externally designing an infrastructure, precision and accuracy are essential to avoid any risk of structural deficiencies. CAD technology has been a long known reliable tool when it comes to making detailed and elaborate architectural designs. The software allows the architect or designer to specify even the smallest details such as weight, volume, and measurements. It’s also a great medium to showcase what the finished design would look like and show how the space would be fully utilized. 

5) Automotive design

Before a car reaches the process of production, schematic designs of its different components are designed using CAD. Electrical wiring harnesses, for example, contain a series of wires and other components that run through the vehicle. Designing electrical wiring harnesses usually involves methodical and intricate considerations that can be easily done on CAD. The software also allows the designer to easily make revisions and modifications which is a normal part of the process during pre-production. Many automotive wiring harness companies consider CAD as a quintessential part of their manufacturing procedures.